Monday, September 26, 2011

getting more people to read

I sometimes want more people to read what I write, an sometimes it is enough to just get it out there.  This week will be crazy for me so I should have a few antidotes to put out there.

I am amazed at peoples parenting skills, or should I say lack there of.  I am going to try and be sarcastic and truthful here, so everyone beware:

How is it that people feed their children crap and call it a good diet, sucking the juice out of an orange and not eating it, is not eating an orange, that is drinking a glass of juice, with no fiber/pulp.  Just because it is good for you does not mean you can eat 7 pound of it for goodness sake, stop eating!

My children school me in school all the time.  Monopoly jr yesterday became a math lesson, and I was told I am doing my math wrong.  'A serving is not that large, Mom', I am told (nutrition) .  The excrement (experiment) should be like this.........They are so funny.  Oh, and we had PE they carried some small rocks to the stream they worked together and had team work to make the 5 gallon bucket get to the stream!

I can't state how much I hate the basic American diet.....SUGAR AND we really wonder why we are all over weight, really!

I think I need to work on making it one subject a day to make this blog to walk the dog, clean, make lunches, do the laundry, go to "work" come home, tutor, make dinner, and sew patches on for the scouts.....Just a slow day here in my private hell................

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