1. Love to complain ----about myself, my life and in general
2. Can't write---I think I have proven that one already!
3. Big mouth----Meaning I am loud and proud
4. don't practice what I preach about food---I always tell people I eat healthy, but do I????
5. trusting to a fault I will trust people until they crush me, then say why did that happen.
6. closet Christian Free thinker---speaks for it's self, everyone has a right to practice their own religion in this country, so why am I chastised for practicing mine?
7.I can't get my husband to stop spending money---working on that one!
8. bad with follow through I love to start things but not to finish
9.hate being told I am wrong---well, hold on, if you are pissed at me and think I am wrong, cool, tell me. I don't mind that, but to say it in a plastic barbie way, pisses me the F**** off!
10.potty words baby potty words.
11.fault myself too much I don't think I could have lower self esteem.
12.lack of skin care wash your face?????
13.admitting my age I AM TURNING 45 this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! opps, I said I was going to stop doing that!
14.hate being told I am being bitchy- cause danm it, if I am bitchy, there is a reason!
15. hummmmmmmmmmm.....................................I secretly wish I could afford help around the house, and make everyone think I did it! I know, it is evil, pure evil.......I would have a maid come and clean the house and take the credit, she could do all my laundry, dusting, bathrooms (YUCK!) and I would be outside doing yoga in the yard. Oh what a fantasy life I lead!
on to the next four.......
swearing, balancing the check book, animals, husband and many more
On a side note, I am working on all of these things as I go through my midlife crisis at age 44, I keep saying I am going to stop doing that. I really am having fun with this, making fun of myself and trying not to get too personal. In all reality I live in a beautiful house
Which is being beautifully restored by my husband and me.
I create really cool things for my kids!
I have a great part time job with perfect "Mommy" hours
I am on a new path to optimal health, I think I am going to start taking weekly pictures of my progress.
I love my husband, even though he can be an ass at times, I think everyone gets frustrated with their partner at some point.