Tuesday, June 28, 2011

my husband

I find it funny that people think my husband is a dangerous abusive man.  Boy talk about judging a book by it's cover.  My husband is a lovely man, yea, he has his faults, don't we all.

Got to go my baby is crying...LOL she is 7.....

Saturday, June 25, 2011

I am in a good mood!

Here is the thing, I am in a good mood,  I have changed some stuff in my life around and I am happy, losing weight and having fun, and on top of it all getting healthy!  Really I am, so F*** off if you can't take a joke.  I have some people in my life, who will remain nameless, that have a tendency to be a tad plastic. 

Look in my life things has taken a drastic turn in the last few weeks,  I am not sure how it started but in the end it has made me realize a few things. 
1.  I have never liked fake people
2.  If you are smiling 24/7 you are posessed by the devil
3.  I show my emotions too well.

So life lesson 1.  fake people are fake people and they will never change. 

I know someone who is nice even when she is telling you off, and all I want to do is slap her and tell her to lay off the big Mac's and the prosaic.

I try to hide my emotions when I am pissed but it never really works.....anyway, I have been that way my whole life you would think I would figure out how to get better at it!  LOL.

Have a great weekend.  I went on a 1/2 mile walk with the dog and cat, just ate breakfast and I am ready to go out for a mile walk with just the dog!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Recap of it all

1.  Love to complain ----about myself, my life and in general
2.  Can't write---I think I have proven that one already!
3.  Big mouth----Meaning I am loud and proud
4. don't practice what I preach about food---I always tell people I eat healthy, but do I????
5.  trusting to a fault  I will trust people until they crush me, then say why did that happen.
6. closet Christian Free thinker---speaks for it's self, everyone has a right to practice their own religion in this country, so why am I chastised for practicing mine?
7.I can't get my husband to stop spending money---working on that one!
8.  bad with follow through  I love to start things but not to finish
9.hate being told I am wrong---well, hold on, if you are pissed at me and think I am wrong, cool, tell me.  I don't mind that, but to say it in a plastic barbie way, pisses me the F**** off!
10.potty words  baby potty words.

11.fault myself too much  I don't think I could have lower self esteem.
12.lack of skin care  wash your face?????
13.admitting my age  I AM TURNING 45 this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! opps, I said I was going to stop doing that!
14.hate being told I am being bitchy- cause danm it, if I am bitchy, there is a reason!

15.  hummmmmmmmmmm.....................................I secretly wish I could afford help around the house, and make everyone think I did it!  I know, it is evil, pure evil.......I would have a maid come and clean the house and take the credit, she could do all my laundry, dusting, bathrooms (YUCK!) and I would be outside doing yoga in the yard.    Oh what a fantasy life I lead!

on to the next four.......
swearing, balancing the check book, animals, husband and many more

On a side note, I am working on all of these things as I go through my midlife crisis at age 44, I keep saying I am going to stop doing that.  I really am having fun with this, making fun of myself and trying not to get too personal.  In all reality I live in a beautiful house
Which is being beautifully restored by my husband and me. 

I create really cool things for my kids!
I have a great part time job with perfect "Mommy" hours

I am on a new path to optimal health, I think I am going to start taking weekly pictures of my progress.

I love my husband, even though he can be an ass at times,  I think everyone gets frustrated with their partner at some point.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

HUmor, humor humor,

Tonight I am having a hard time finding the humor in the world.  I have to say, a big fault of mine or flaw is that I hate being told I am being a bitch.  It makes me more of a bitch.  After a day that started at 5 am, getting up to make Joe's coffee, no thank you ( he finished off the milk and left me with none for my coffee).  By the way, I don't really need to rise at 5 am, but he hits snooze 5 times he says once, let's just say I can't sleep through that shit!

this is where I found her this am

look through the mesh

she likes to look out the top

So, I start his coffee and notice that the cat and dog want to go for a walk.....well, I guess there is humor in that.  So I start the coffee and leave for the walk, only to get back and find an empty milk jug on the counter.....come on, we all have our flaws but to leave a lady without milk for her morning coffee, is in  my opinion uncalled for.

So, I endure black coffee, cause my day is more over scheduled than you can believe.  I get the kids ready and off for school, I hop in the car and go to Liam's breakfast for his third grade class, which has food I can't eat.  Then when it is over at 10 am, I am already sweating and ready to pass out, I have to move on tho the next task....

Farmer's market, I volunteered the from 10-3 for the friends of the library, selling used books.  Nothing funny about that, it was hot and sticky, I wanted to scream and cry, I was hungry and tired without my COFFEE>>>>>>>>>>

Then 3 pm rush off get my kids rush home, change clothes, Katies is screaming she can't find the right shirt, the babysitter is late (well, not late) he is running 5 minutes behind, on a day where every minute counts.

Let me just stop and say, was it a stressful enough day yet, over scheduled enough.LOL.

Katie finds an "acceptable"  shirt and we are off to her daisy to brownie bridging!  I stay for the minimal amount of time without looking like a total douche bag parent and make marks in the parking lot going to my dinner meeting.  (Katie had a ride home with another Mom)

Home from the dinner meeting at 7 pm, the house is a wreak  dishes in evrey room trash everywhere and Still no milk.  My husband could stop and get some beer, but to get milk.  AND I AM THE BITCH FOR SAYING WHY DIDN"T YOU STOP AND GET MILK ON YOUR WAY HOME! 

I love my life, there I found the humor........I love my life!

on the same theme as yesterday

On a side note, I am really enjoying airing my faults....  OK it is going to take me a while to work on my writing skills, I had  so many teachers and Professors who told me to shorten my papers that I have a hard time writing long and expanded posts.  I mostly find it dribble and not necessary words,  like so many bloggers I feel my words are more important than yours....Just kidding!

So my flaw for today is that I almost too openly admit my age.  In a world meant and run by the young I am starting to feel old!    I am turning 45 this year, yes, 45!  I am at the mid mark and I guess I am going through a midlife crisis. This is what shows I am going through a mid life crisis and getting old.......

1.  I am on a diet, I want to get back to college weight, and in shape, as soon as I am down about 15 more # I am going to start running again.  I miss it! running that it, not the weight!
2.  I am starting to think I shouldn't tell my age so readily and take the compliment!
3.  I am cleaning up all the crap in my life, meaning, friendships, my weight, my health, my finances and my mind!
4.  I am becoming one of those old people who say, when I was a kid...we walked up hill both ways to school in the snow.....LOL
5.  EVERYONE I work with is younger than I am
 6.  People my age are dieing of heart attacks ( this is not so funny as the president of the company I work for passed away last weekend at age 52)

The humor!

Mary: I wish I'd known more about midlife before I got here!
Jill: What do you mean?
Mary: Well, I lost my sex drive years ago. I had no idea it could be menopause! I thought it was just because I was married!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Fault #12, skin care

OK, I know, we are all suppose to wash our faces and wear sunscreen.  I know it, you know it, we all know it....Well, guess what, i don't, really, I don't.  I do not, I repeat, do not take care of my skin!  I hate cleansing my face, spending serious amounts of cash on cleansers, powders, and creams makes me so angry it is not even funny!  I know, I know, we should take car of our skin, we should cleanse, wear sun screen, and wash 2 times a day.

I have many people think I am much younger than I am, and truthfully I want to tell them, it is because I drink lots of water, and always have  liked to wear hats, and I wash my face with water in the shower, no soap!

This is on the left, my name sake Caroline Hostetler Casper ( my maternal great great grandmother)  and on the right my grandmother Grealdine Boswell Reahard. in 1935. The year my Grandmother gave birth to my MOM,( she was 21)

This is a picture of My maternal side, in 1972, my grandmother is center front, at age.... 58..My mom is front row left side., my mom was 37 ....

This is a picture of my grandmother with her mother, my skinny grandma.... She was in her 80's in this undated picture.
Look I keep going back to this, people say they knew nothing of what the sun did to our skin.  When I was growing up many of my friends would put baby oil on and lay out, to bake in the sun.  Some still bake in the sun.  To each his or her own, not me, I found it boring!  besides that my mom would always put a hat on me.  She said the sun will make you old before your time, so always protect your face.  And this was told to her by her grandmother.    

The funny thing is you "should" take care of your skin, I don't and I look younger than most of the people who do....And the trick my friend is STAYING OUT OF THE SUN, or at least keeping your face out of the sun....I'll try and be funny tomorrow....humor is the key to a good life!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

number 11 I fault myself too much

I was reminded by a very good friend, who shall remain nameless.  A person who I have known since I was 19 years old, that I fault myself too much.  That I am a strong woman and I need to remember that.  The funny thing is that I really do find faults in everything I do, and I think everyone notices them.  ...

So thank you for the compliment, but I am having a good time making fun of myself right now, I really am. 

Fault number 11.......I find faults in everything I do, I put myself down more than anyone ever could....and that is funny because I know so many people out there who shall remain nameless, who think they are better than everyone else and publicize it!  I am so sick of people who have huge flaws walking around like they don't.  I can remember way back when, in the 80's  having friends who I thought were perfect, who acted perfect, who were just slobs like me. 

We are all poor slobs at heart with many flaws, I choose to own up to the fact that I have many, and know it.  Rather than act perfect, I know I have flaws and so does my husband.  I'll let you in on a secret, we are all human, we all have flaws.  Now for a good night story!  press play on the link....warning, don't have children in the room!  Good night and good laughs!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My 10th fault saying potty words

Potty words  we know them, we all say them, and no I am not talking about the 4 letter words.  Well, some of them contain 4 letters, but you will see what I mean.

Potty word, as a mother of young, we fairly young children I have to say I use Potty word more than I should.  I could be at a business meeting and say, may I use the potty please?  LOL....(I have done this)

So I am going to list the potty word we mom's know all too well, Potty, poop, pee, privates, pee pee on the potty, flush please, talking about the color of poop, diapers, wipes and above all the potty dance. 

soon to come.......swearing ( they are not the same thing), balancing the check book or not, not cleaning, lack of skin care, my animals, my husband....
this patrick one is funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this was not the dance I was looking for but it is funny!

I try and keep these short, they are ment to add some humor to your day, laugh at me!  I do!.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

#9 I hate being told I am wrong

Ok, I guess it is not that I hate being told I am wrong or that I did something wrong, my "fault" is that I get really angry when someone comments on one of my flaws....OK, I am a loud person, I know that anyone who has known me for very long has known that I can be very loud, I don't try, my mother just taught me how to project, so I do it well. 

You know I guess what I find a fault in me and others is that if you want to correct someone or tell them they need to change, don't pussy foot around the matter, just come out and say, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"  don't be nice about it!

Love ya, find your humor, I am finding mine!

#8 Followthrough

OK, I am so bad at following through, which is probably why I missed the last few days.  Well, that and I forgot my password.  Why is it that you have to have 700 different passords, passwords for work, home, school......

Anyway. I am really great at starting things but finishing them up......that is a different story, I made living room Curtains 4 years ago, I still have some pins in the hems where I was suppose to hand stitch the corners....


This woman is crazy, so at least I am not that bad!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

#7 recap and a new one

1.  Love to complain
2.  Can't write
3.  Big mouth
4. don't practice what I preach about food
5.  trusting to a fault
6. closet Christian Free thinker

OK, #7.....drum roll please......I can't get my husband to stop spending money

OK the humor in that statement is the statement, I am the saver/ coupon shopper/ honey don't buy the beer or cigs this week cause we need groceries gal........isn't usually the woman who spend.  Not in this family, I wear second hand and hand me down clothes so do my children for the most part.  I find discounts on everything, my children even know not to ask to buy anything unless they know I have a coupon, discount or they have saved enough money for it.

To recap........My Biggest, to 7 faults are, not necessarily in order, I can't write or spell for shit!, I trust everyone until they have fucked me over about 10 times, I am fat without being "fat",  I have a big mouth and spout shit ( including swears) when I should keep my mouth shut, I am spiritual but don't believe in going to church ( shhh...it's a secret, going back to #3 on my list) My husband has holes in his pocket like many women do and mostly and lastly I love to complain about it.....

It is so nice to have a place to come and say all the poop that is in my head, yes, I say poop, because I have young kids..........My next weeks  fault list will include.......saying Potty words, swearing ( they are not the same thing), balancing the check book or not, not cleaning, lack of skin care, my animals, my husband....that will take me to 14 ......................

Enjoy and wonder in the pleasure that you are not alone, we all have faults, I just have the courage to list mine!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

fault 6 christian free thinker.....closet that is....

I am a closet Christian free thinker..... I don't know if that is even the right term.  My children believe in GOD but me personally I believe in Karma and being a good person, not being fake and being true to yourself and your family.

OK, we celebrate all the christian holiday's more out of tradition than anything else, I have started teaching my children about the history of religion.  How do you, go to church, believe in God, and Jesus and spout the bible when you yourself are fake and help create and perpetrate lies and mean things about people.

OK, what I am trying to say is, I don't follow the bible, or any other organized religion, I don't believe in going to church, temple or anywhere else to practice your religion.  I don't think I need that to teach my children right from wrong, to teach them to be good people to teach them to be productive members of society.  And to teach them how to treat people. 

I know too many people who say they are good church going folks who's children are the rudest, most ill behaved children I know.

This is a quote from a a blog that I think really reflects how I feel about religion:

I use Christian Free Thinker to help ease the transition in life, everyone else's transition... not mine, lol.  I've transitioned already.  I say chrisitan because I was born into it and raised that way, still having a church baptismal certifictate to this day and free thinker because I believe none of the lies or mythology of religion.  I'm all about explaining it, answering some questions and then quickly moving on.  It has taken some time but these days I'm about keeping it real and not hiding who I am.


#5 friends

My fifth fault is that I trust too willingly,  meaning I trust people to be my friends and be truthful to a fault.  I think someone is truly my friend until they stab me in the back so hard that I am in the hospital.

This happened this week, now I think I have it, now I think I know who I can trust.....well, we will see.

Humor in this....Wow, I thought these would be easy but to see the humor my own faults is proving more difficult than I thought! 

Here are some ex friend quotes I thought are funny
Pe0pLe thEsE daYz aRe to0 FaKe.
ThEy sAy "I'm aLwaYz heRe foR y0u!"
BiTch pLeaSe! Give mE a bReaK.

don't think you're sneaky,
i see your little games,
like when you walk around saying
[[you heard this and that]]
but can't mention any names

some say that time changes
best friends can become stangers

Nowadays there's no honor, only drama.
Your friend today can be your enemy tomorrow.

[no more games . no more drama]
when you wanna be real gimme a holla

Another lesson learned.
Better know your friends
or else you'll get *burned*

* So if I have to leave you, *
* I want you to know that in the end, *
* it wasn't because I stopped caring. *
* It was because you stopped being a friend. *

* Though I'm missin' you, I'll find a way to make it through livin' without
you. Cause you were my sister, my strength and my pride, only God may
know why, still I will get by... *

* U sAiD dat u HaD mY bAcK
ThRoUgH tHe GoOd TiMeS aNd ThE bAd
WhEn I wAs HaPpY oR wHeN i WaS sAd
BuT wHeN i TrUeLy NeEdEd U
AnD cOuLdN't MaKe It ThRoUgH
WhEn I LoOkEd BeHiNd Me To SeE iF u WeRe ThErE
I ReaLiZeD dat u TrUeLy DiDn'T cArE *

*The two hardest things to say in life
are hello for the first time
and goodbye for the last *

~What upsets me is not that you lied to me,
but that from now on I can longer believe you.~

You say I'm going to fight your battles,
well girl your -wrong-
I knew your weren't my best friend all along

I thought you were my friend and we would be together until the end
but you fucked everything up and said shit that wasn't true
so now you gotta pay bitch -- all the blame is on you.

Friends are like roses...
you have to look out for the pricks!

Love all my friends new and old really I do, you have all taught me lessons I need to learn and boy this year has been a doozy!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Fault #4

Fault number 4, I don't practice what I preach about food.  Oh, for the most part I eat a healthy diet, I try and exercise, but in my heart I know I could lose 20 lbs easily if I really put my mind to it.  So the fault .....now the humor

Even though I am 20 to 30 # over weight I am still wearing a size 6 to 8......To me this is funny, how the hell can you be #30 overweight and still were anything smaller than a 10?  Well I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Why is it that no matter what size a woman is she can still complain about her weight or body type, why can't we all feel good about ourselves......

And we all are getting fat together, older, and fatter so stop complaining and start living!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

#3 for real

OK, humor, I am working on finding humor in things...........

I have a big loud mouth, oh yes, for those of you who don't think I know this, I really do.  I think the reason I can never do well in politics is that I open my mouth and the shit flies.  Sometimes I don't know when to keep it shut!  Over and over again I put my foot in my mouth.

I did it again today, I was voicing my opinion about someone and the person walked in on the conversation.....I felt about, this big........if you know what I mean.  The problem with me is, meaning my fault, is that if I know an opinion will hurt someones feelings or make them uncomfortable I usually keep it to myself.  Although I might voice it to others.

Some might call it gossiping, maybe, but I think gossip is mostly meant to be hurtful. And I genuenly try not to be hurtful to a point.

So humor in my faults....huh......I must have small feet cause my mouth hasn't gotten any bigger.....Get it, my foot is my mouth a lot!  And it is better to not be in politics, then you know I will never be unfaithful or get caught in an internet porn scandal... 

Which brings me to #4

Saturday, June 4, 2011


I think I can write, but I really suck at it.  So, humor????????

It makes for a funny blog because you can laugh at all my spelling and grammatical errors all you want.  I know I can't write.  My parents both had B.S, MS, and my Mother is even a Phd. and I still can't seem to get grammar. 

Anyway, so if you think I think I am smart, think again!  There is the humor in that!


Friday, June 3, 2011

Humor is the key

So life has had some ups and downs, my job in this blog is to grant a little humor to each day.  Because I believe laughter cures all ills!

At 44 years old, you would think I should know who are my friends and who are not, but who knows...........Oh please I will gladly tell all my faults to anyone and at this point I know them.  So for the next 44 days or so I will be going over my faults in a humorous way, or at least trying to!

#1 Or my biggest fault!!!!!!!!!  I complain too much, it could be sunny out and I will complain that it is too hot
I do it about everything!  I have a great life and I chose to make it crappy by complaining!

Now the key is I have to find the humor in this little ditty...........So, I guess that means if I win the Lotto, and complain I have too much money that I will have plenty forever?  No really........The humor in this situation is that people listen to it and believe my life is crappy so it makes them feel better about their own lives.....Not really fall down hilarious but I am working on it and the reminds me of fault #2: