Tuesday, June 21, 2011

HUmor, humor humor,

Tonight I am having a hard time finding the humor in the world.  I have to say, a big fault of mine or flaw is that I hate being told I am being a bitch.  It makes me more of a bitch.  After a day that started at 5 am, getting up to make Joe's coffee, no thank you ( he finished off the milk and left me with none for my coffee).  By the way, I don't really need to rise at 5 am, but he hits snooze 5 times he says once, let's just say I can't sleep through that shit!

this is where I found her this am

look through the mesh

she likes to look out the top

So, I start his coffee and notice that the cat and dog want to go for a walk.....well, I guess there is humor in that.  So I start the coffee and leave for the walk, only to get back and find an empty milk jug on the counter.....come on, we all have our flaws but to leave a lady without milk for her morning coffee, is in  my opinion uncalled for.

So, I endure black coffee, cause my day is more over scheduled than you can believe.  I get the kids ready and off for school, I hop in the car and go to Liam's breakfast for his third grade class, which has food I can't eat.  Then when it is over at 10 am, I am already sweating and ready to pass out, I have to move on tho the next task....

Farmer's market, I volunteered the from 10-3 for the friends of the library, selling used books.  Nothing funny about that, it was hot and sticky, I wanted to scream and cry, I was hungry and tired without my COFFEE>>>>>>>>>>

Then 3 pm rush off get my kids rush home, change clothes, Katies is screaming she can't find the right shirt, the babysitter is late (well, not late) he is running 5 minutes behind, on a day where every minute counts.

Let me just stop and say, was it a stressful enough day yet, over scheduled enough.LOL.

Katie finds an "acceptable"  shirt and we are off to her daisy to brownie bridging!  I stay for the minimal amount of time without looking like a total douche bag parent and make marks in the parking lot going to my dinner meeting.  (Katie had a ride home with another Mom)

Home from the dinner meeting at 7 pm, the house is a wreak  dishes in evrey room trash everywhere and Still no milk.  My husband could stop and get some beer, but to get milk.  AND I AM THE BITCH FOR SAYING WHY DIDN"T YOU STOP AND GET MILK ON YOUR WAY HOME! 

I love my life, there I found the humor........I love my life!

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